Graduate Clinical Intern Role
Phase 1: On Site (September-October)
Training Resource Home > Graduate Clinical Intern > Phase 1: On Site (September - October)
Phase Overview
In Phase 1, Graduate Clinical Interns will begin engagement with their assigned school site and develop essential relationships within the school environment. They will focus on understanding their role within the specific school team and explore existing school processes. Collaborating with their task supervisor and field instructor, interns will identify learning objectives and complete necessary learning documents. Initial support for clients will also commence during this phase.
Phase Goals/Objections
Begin engagement with assigned school site and develop school relationships
Develop understanding of role in specific school team
Explore current school processes
Collaborate with task supervisor and field instructor to identify learning objectives and complete learning documents
Begin supporting clients
School Engagement
Understand how Graduate Clinical Interns should obtain room keys and access items, navigate the campus, and receive their district email. Learn how to add contact information to the safety alert system and download Zoom for communication. Focus on building relationships with students, staff, and families while actively participating in school activities and events. Additionally, assist with interventions and connect with the family navigator for referrals.
• Obtain room/space keys/access items from school point person
• Learn room/space and campus access/check-in process
• Learn necessary navigation information including staff parking, restrooms, and mailboxes
• Obtain district email and be added to school-wide email listserv
• Add name and phone number to safety alert system
• Download Zoom application on telephone for communication with students/family
• Engage in personal introductions to build relationships with staff, students, and families
• Engage with students and staff (during structured time, recess, lunch, and passing) to build relationships, develop trust, discover interests, and identify areas of concern
• Connect with family navigator and school staff to learn about making referrals to outside agencies
• Seek opportunities to assist with implementation of Tier 1 (school-wide), Tier 2 (group), and Tier 3 (individual) interventions, including school-wide initiatives, community events, workshops, groups, and individual counseling
• Participate in school activities and events
Collaboration and Supervision
Graduate Clinical Interns will learn how to engage with the assigned school site and build important relationships within the school community. Interns will focus on developing a clear understanding of their role within the specific school team and take time to explore the current processes in place. Additionally, they will work closely with their task supervisor and field instructor to identify learning objectives and complete all necessary learning documents. As they progress, they will also begin to provide support to clients, putting their training into practice.
• Schedule regular meetings with task supervisor and field instructor
• Schedule individual and group supervision with field instructor
• Share schedule with task supervisor, field instructor, and other multidisciplinary staff
• Communicate absences with supervisor
• Attend COST meetings and other multidisciplinary meetings (e.g., PBIS, MTSS, IEP, 504, Student Success/Support Team [SST], School Attendance Review Board [SARB], School Attendance Review Team [SART] meetings)
• Attend regular meetings with task supervisor and field instructor prepared to reflect on experiences, ask questions, and plan for follow-up meetings with supervisor(s)
Learning and Development
Understand the essential steps for integrating as a Graduate Clinical Intern. This includes meeting with your field instructor to review core competencies, determining relevant learning activities, discussing your goals, and completing the learning agreement.
• Meet with field instructor to review core competencies, determine learning activities, discuss goals, and complete learning agreement
• Reflect on personal growth as a professional within the mental health field
• Develop understanding of the differences between mental health specialist, school social worker, school psychologist, academic counselor, and behavioral health specialist
• Increase awareness and understanding of early learning and prevention services
• Attend professional development trainings
• Develop awareness of consents, release of information forms, and other related school/SCOE forms
• Develop understanding and knowledge of Special Education and related supports for special groups; 504, homeless, migrant, ESL, LGBTQIA+, military families, foster youth
• Understand basic knowledge of trauma and how adverse childhood experiences and toxic stress impact behaviors
• Develop understanding of the purpose of the culminating project, and begin exploring ideas for the culminating project
• Learn the components of the bio-psycho-social assessment and other assessment tools
• Explore various resources and materials in preparation for student encounters and interventions (including but not limited to consulting with task supervisor, field instructor, school staff, books, guides, and online resources)
• Develop understanding of COST team, and how it is coordinated at assigned school site
• Learn about the Universal Referral System at assigned school site and how student support referrals are received
• Learn the crisis response procedures at assigned school site, including the school safety plan if available
• Understand how to seek the support of others outside of supervisor meetings
• Demonstrate professional demeanor in behavior; appearance; and in oral, written, and electronic communication
• Gain confidence in effective verbal communication with parents and/or legal guardians
Student Support and Intervention
Understand the essential steps Graduate Clinical Interns will learn to integrate into the school environment. They will begin by consulting with their task supervisor and field instructor to build a student caseload and schedule 1:1 counseling sessions with non-Medi-Cal clients. Additionally, they will learn how to integrate mental health and wellness services into a school setting using a Multi-Tiered System of Support approach.
Interns will also learn how to effectively facilitate group workshops. By collaborating with their task supervisor, they will conduct a school site needs assessment to determine potential workshop topics. From there, they will refine or build the workshop curriculum, identify group members, and disseminate consents. This process will develop their skills in conducting engaging and impactful group sessions.
Finally, they will focus on providing presentations and psychoeducation, registering students for SBMHW services, and documenting the services provided for individual and group workshops. They will apply the Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Core Competencies throughout their work and gain confidence in supporting escalated individuals. Interns will also learn the importance of clear and precise documentation for maintaining accurate records and ensuring continuity of care. Additionally, they will engage in regular feedback sessions with supervisors to continuously improve their skills and approaches. This comprehensive training will ensure their effective integration and professional growth in the school setting.
• Consult with task supervisor and field instructor to build student caseload
• Schedule and facilitate 1:1 counseling sessions with non-Medi-Cal clients
• Learn how to integrate mental health and wellness services into a school setting utilizing a Multi-Tiered System of Support approach
• Work to effectively facilitate group workshops:
○ Learn how to effectively facilitate group workshops
○ Collaborate with task supervisor to conduct school site needs assessment to determine potential workshop topics
○ Identify, refine, or build workshop curriculum
○ Identify group members and disseminate consents for group workshops
• Effectively provide presentations and/or psychoeducation
• Learn how to register students for SBMHW services at assigned school site
• Learn how to document services provided for individual and group workshops
• Apply the Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Core Competencies
• Gain confidence in supporting escalated individuals